Last Updated: December 01, 2023

Magerevol Solutions develops and publishes games for web, mobile devices and other platforms on which players can use our Services. This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes the ways Magerevol Solutions (“Magerevol,” “us”, “our” or “we”) collects, stores, uses, discloses or otherwise processes personal information of our users (“users” or “you”) in connection with their use of our products or services, including our product offerings such as our website available at and Magerevol game(s) provided on a mobile platform or any other Magerevol product or service that posts or links to this Policy (each a “Service,” collectively, the “Services”). Additionally, this Policy describes the rights and choices concerning your information that may apply to you.

If you have questions regarding this Policy or our collection and use of personal information, please contact us as described in the Section “Contact Us”.


The categories of personal information we collect depend on the Services you use, and the requirements of applicable law.

Information You Provide Us Directly.

When you use our Services, you may give us personal information directly (for example, details you register with us when setting up your account), and we will store that personal information on our systems and process it for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Depending on the Service, the personal information we collect will be relevant to providing that Service and include some or all of the following:

  • Contact information (such as name and email address or phone numbers)
  • Player name or tag and password
  • Profile information (such as profile photo)
  • User messages and other content you submit when you use the Service (such as chat logs)
  • Information you provide in connection with surveys, promotions, sweepstakes, competitions and other events
  • If you purchase in-game virtual currency or items in a Magerevol game, our third-party payment processor will collect the billing and financial information it needs to process your charges.

Information We Collect Automatically.

  • Information about your account and game progress, including in most cases an automatically created internal account ID
  • Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device or advertising ID)
  • Information about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language, internet service provider, and mobile carrier
  • Information we collect with cookies and similar technologies (see more below)
  • Approximate location information (as derived from IP address)
  • Information about your use of the Service, such as gameplay information, purchases made and your interactions with other players inside the Service

Information We Collect From Our Partners.

We also use third-party partners, such as social networking sites, data analytics providers and advertising networks to supplement information we have about you, such as:

  • Informationwe receive if you link a third-party tool with the Service (such as Facebook)
  • Non-identifiable demographic information(such as to determine the coarse location of your IP address)
  • Informationto combat fraud (such as refund abuse in games or click fraud in advertising)
  • Informationfrom platforms that the games run on or information from payment service providers (such as payment verification information)
  • Informationfor advertising and analytics purposes (such as surveys), so we can provide you a better Service
  • Anonymized informationthat you have made available to us from a third party service (such as Facebook) via your privacy settings
    • If you access our Services from a third-party platform or connect our Services to a third-party account, you should also read that platform’s terms of service and privacy policy. If you are unclear about what information a third-party platform is sharing with us, please go to that platform to find out more about their privacy practices and any options available to you regarding such sharing.


      We use information collected through our Service for purposes described in this Policy or disclosed to you in connection with our Service. For example, we may use your information for:

      Service Delivery

      • Create your Service accounts and allow access to our Services;
      • Identify and suggest connections with other Magerevol users;
      • Operate our Services;
      • Improve our Services;
      • Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our Services;
      • Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;
      • Provide and deliver products and services you request;
      • Send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
      • Conduct and administer surveys, user research projects, competitions and promotional events that you participate in;
      • Prevent fraud or potentially illegal activities, and enforce our Terms of Use;
      • Enable you to communicate with other users; and
      • Fulfill any other purpose for which you provide anonymized personal information.

      Compliance and Protection

      • Comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities;
      • Protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety or property (including by investigating, bringing, making or defending legal claims);
      • Audit our internal processes for compliance with legal and contractual requirements or our internal policies;
      • Enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Services; and
      • Prevent, identify, investigate and deter fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity, including cyberattacks and identity theftin a manner consistent with applicable laws and regulations.


      We implement reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the security of your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or damage in accordance with industry standards and applicable data protection laws.

      However, no security system is impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. Any transmission is at your own risk.


      We retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide you Services, unless we are required by law to delete or if we accept your request to delete the information pursuant to applicable law. We will also retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements in compliance with relevant data retention regulations.

      When we no longer require your personal information, we will look to delete or anonymize it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will apply security measures to your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible. If we anonymize your personal information (so that it can no longer be associated with you), we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.


      In compliance with applicable data protection laws, Our Services are not marketed to, or intended for, children. For these purposes, we use the term “children” to refer to someone who is: (a) under 13 years old or, if older, (b) between 13 and 18 years old but under the age at which they can give valid consent to processing of their personal information under applicable data privacy laws. Magerevol strives to follow the different minimum age guidelines set by the laws of individual regions when determining the age that children can access certain features of our Services.

      Children are not permitted to use these Services, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children. Though our Services are not intended for children as the primary audience, we may collect age information before allowing a user to proceed for certain Services. For users who identify themselves as children in our age-gate on such Services, if we allow children to use the Services, we will either provide a version of that Service that does not collect, use, or disclose “personal information” (as defined in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)), except as permitted by COPPA or other privacy laws (where applicable), or obtain legally valid parental consent in accordance with relevant regulations.

      If we learn that we have inadvertently gathered personal information about a child that is not subject to an exemption under COPPA or another applicable privacy law, we will take measures to promptly remove that information from our records and take necessary steps to prevent such occurrences in the future.

      6. YOUR RIGHTS

      Your privacy rights are explained below. These rights apply to information about you, and their scope and applicability can vary across different regions. For example, they could extend to your household or a legal entity or could be exercised by a legal representative on your behalf. We will comply with applicable privacy laws, including any required response times.

      Subject to certain exemptions, you have the right to:

      • Request a copy of your personal information (known as ‘accessing your data’).
      • Delete your information. When you ask us to delete your personal information please remember that there may be lawful limitations on this right. For example, we will keep certain payment records or customer service records where we need to, including for legal or accounting purposes. We’ll also keep information in order to exercise, protect, defend, or establish our rights or the rights of third parties.
      • Correct or update your personal information where it is inaccurate. To review and update personal information associated with your Magerevol player profile in certain games, visit the “settings” page in that game.
      • Opt-out of marketing communications we send you by following the instructions in “Opting Out of Promotional Communications from Magerevol” below.
      • Where applicable, withdraw your consent at any time directly in the Service or by contacting us. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the processing already undertaken before your withdrawal. Also, it will not affect processing of your personal information under other lawful grounds.
      • Object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or Request portability of your personal information.
      • Ask that you are not subject to automated decision-making that has a legal effect or any other significant effect on you.
      • Complain to a data protection authority.

      For California residents, please also review section 8 below for additional rights


      Our Service is global by nature and your data can therefore be transferred to anywhere in the world. Because different countries may have different data protection laws than your own country, we take steps to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect your data as explained in this Privacy Policy. Adequate safeguards that we may use include standard contractual clauses approved by EU Commission and other lawful safeguards, in compliance with applicable laws.

      Some of the partners and processors referred to in this policy are located outside of the European Union.

      In such case, we ensure that:

      • the personal data is transferred to countries recognized as offering an equivalent level of protection or,
      • For personal data transferred outside of countries recognized by the European Commission as having a sufficient level of protection, any of the mechanisms offering appropriate guarantees is used, for which provision is made by applicable regulations, and notably the adoption of the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, in compliance with applicable laws.


      We may update this Policy to reflect changes to our data and information privacy practices. We encourage you to periodically check and this Privacy Policy for updates. Your continued use of the Service after the effective date will be subject to the new Privacy Policy, provided that such changes comply with applicable laws and regulations.

      9. CONTACT US

      If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, including the exercise of any rights as permitted under applicable laws, please contact us at